Monday, 1 August 2011

Shop Shop Shop!!!!

Hoi An has had Midhurst Rother College students spend, spend and spend! Suits, dresses, jackets, shirts and trousers have all been made to measure and purchased. Jack has ordered a tweed suit, Weeksey a cashmere one (suit sorted for next academic year!) Bizzle has got herself a couple of evening dresses made to measure, Alice and Lucy designed and got their own jackets and the majority of the boys have got tailored suits (Ben and Cam look particularly good in theirs - sharp, crisp in the style of a Hugo Boss advert) Sprinkles has a purple suit!

On top of that, Hoi An has offered us the chance to swim in the pool (the largest hotel pool in Hoi An) have some really good food and play a couple of games of pool, potter around the art and craft part of the city and walk down to the river. 

Hoi An is bustling with young tourists so has a really nice vibe to it, a bit more chilled than Hanoi and less motorcyles to have to contend with a dodge.

With best wishes


  1. This all sounds fabulous - we can't wait to see the Vietnam 'a la mode' on their return. We were expecting a photo-shoot of models??

    Lots of love ... The Hatches, Hoods and Benzinskis xxxxxx

  2. WOW! can't wait to see the suit Jack - at last the Tweed one you have been yearning for! Although rather a LONG way to get it! Hoi An sounds fantastic - enjoy more swimming and chill time. Weather is glorious here today - just over a week left and you'll be home which seems unbelievable! Tesco order is in Jack so all your wishes will be granted. Have lots of fun on your travels - keep the blog going it's great to hear your updates.
    Much love and hugs The Clarkes xxx

  3. Roger NichollsAugust 01, 2011

    Good Morning Vietnam, a purple suit! now you're talking. That provides inspiration for the playlist and as your in 'Nam we had to get Jimi Hendrix in there somewhere so let's start with "Purple Haze" that classic from '67. We can throw in Prince's "Purple Rain" for good measure (ha ha), can't think of a song about cutting the cloth (cutting cake yes!)but I'm sure that with all those new clothes you're going to look great so let's have Suede's "Beautiful Ones" particularly as they seem to be making something of a comeback at the moment.
    Strut your stuff.

    Love & Respect

    Roger Nicholls

  4. Purple,that's my boy! Who needs Hugo Boss when you can have 70's chic! Lots of love Sprinksy's

  5. Cut from the Cloth - song title of an american punk duo formed in 20031 Google is marvellous. And yes 70s chic for the purple but also (if my brain is functioning), very popular colour choice for 2011 as well. AND tweed, I'm so loving that choice AND cashmere, excellent choice too - maybe in hot pink or a more conservative colour??? Jayne - 2 dresses that should cover a Christmas and Prom do for next year!
    All sounds like fun and relaxation, enjoy and savour every moment even swimming in the rain (another song there but with a play on words) xxx

  6. lisa chivertonAugust 01, 2011

    well i know that is one thing Storm is good at, shopping. Hopefully she has picked up some other skills. Love to you all, have fun. :-) xxx

  7. "Sprinkles has a purple suit.". Oh lord. I said that this is the sort of thing that could happen. Lauren, where were you? Why didn't you out a gentle arm round his shoulder and get him to walk away? Weeksy/Bizzles/Tom - could you not have staged an intervention of some sort???!! And as for the rest of you, have you learned nothing about working as a team and collective responsibility???!!!!'s done now....

    Glad to hear you're chilling out and spending money. HoChiMin looks great and the Mekong is beckoning. One week to go - know you'll make the most of it!!

  8. Paddy, great excuse for us to have a top nosh breakfast too....if we are invited!!! sounds like you are having great fun which is well deserved after all that hiking....hope you have ditched the boots.Did you go for a snappy suit or are you still in love with your prom one. Wouldn't have thought a year ago that you would be flying in a helicopter to your prom anf hiking through Vietnam all within a month of each other! Will be hard to cap all this. Enjoy, have fun and can't wait to see you in a week. Loads of love Mum, Dad & Bozo Bro x x x x x

  9. Not more clothes - will need to sort out the wardrobe! Enjoy chilling. Look forward to seeing some photo's. ove the Casebow Clan x

  10. Hey spanner! I got your message the other day! You are doing really well and i am so proud of you!!!! Can't wait to see all the photos! And we will have a massive welcome home party..!! Hope you haven't spent to much money shopping! Remember my present! LOVE YOU LOTS AND CANT WAIT TO SEE YOU!!!!!!!! Rachel xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

  11. Roger NichollsAugust 02, 2011

    Hello Vietnam, well haven't heard from you "Dedicated Followers of Fashion" today, hope all is still good with and you're enjoying your rehab!

    Love & Respect

    Roger Nicholls

  12. A tweed suit, knew you would get one eventually Jack. Can't wait to see it!! At last, you have designed & bought that long awaited jacket that you have been thinking about over the last 18mths (I'm hoping the blog meant my Lucy). Hope you have managed to recuperate & put behind you the disappointment of Ha Long Bay - we'll just have to go back some day! Enjoy the night train & Saigon and catch up with you soon. Take care & make the most of your last week!!! Love ya loads. Hugs & kisses.
    The Bryants xxx

  13. Yo Hannah, finally managed to catch up on this blog!! Sounds like your having an awesome time!!

    Speak when you get back yeah!

    Chili J xxx
