Saturday, 16 July 2011

A tough few days for all

We travelled to the start of our trek and received a roll and cheese triangle, some tuna and water melon for lunch, then we set off, straight up a hill. We were all gasping for air as it was so hot. A few moments later the lightening started and then came the rain, that was 5 days ago and its still raining now!!! All of our stuff was soaked through, but hey, thats part of the fun, we were told! First night in the homestay was interesting. The group was split between two. In my homestead we had Charlie sleep walking and talking, Harry with a reaction on his face, he was on fire! and me with several trips to the hole in the ground!! Cam fell through the floorboard but caught himself on the hand rail!
We had to change our route for the next day as the road was inpassable. We walked for 11.5 hours over the most horrendously challenging terrain I have ever experienced. Everyone did so well. There were many falls, scraps on rocks and general crying and swearing when it all became too much. Weeksey fell badly and has a massively black thigh and is now sporting crutchless shorts, kind of held together by gaffa tape, thanks Kilpatrick for that tip! Alice took a bad fall, she face planted the floor and we thought had broken her collar bone, but after two hospitals, a six hour car journey, getting stuck in the mud, I am glad to report it is just soft tissue damage, so she and I have been pulled from the trek back to Hanoi until next THursday morning when we will re join the group.
I have spoken to Battye, he says the group is happy and getting on really well with the job in hand.
Keep following the tracker and sending messages of support, it is really tough out here.
Biz (Jayne) and Alice xxx


  1. AnonymousJuly 16, 2011

    Dear Jayne and Alice
    Sorry to hear Alice has had a fall but so glad to hear it is not as serious as it could have been. The trek sounds really hard but what memories you will all have when you look back on what you have achieved. Just to make you feel better the English weather is very wet today!!!!!!
    Please send my love to everyone and I look forward to reading the next blog.
    Take care and enjoy some touristy time together.
    Alison Cunnington

  2. Ali SimacJuly 16, 2011

    Hello All
    Sorry to hear of the falls and awful weather, glad you are all pulling together and keeping the spirits up!! Been thinking of you all!!! weeksey and crutchless shorts made me laugh!!! hope things start to improve!!! Keep going and keep strong it will be all worthwile in the end!!! Sending lots of love and hugs to all
    The Simac Family
    Big hug for my Big Cuz love you xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

  3. Roger NichollsJuly 16, 2011

    Character building stuff by the sound of it! Keep at it and when you look back it will an experience never to forget.

    If you happen to run into Marlon Brando in facepaint though you've probably arrived on the set of Apocolypse Now and you should hide!!

    Take care, we're thinking of you.

  4. AnonymousJuly 16, 2011

    Hi All,

    Sorry to hear that things are not going quite as planned keep smiling and the sun might appear!

    Freddie sends a big sloppy lick and a few scratches Scarlett and I send a big hug
    Elizabeth (Scarletts mum)

  5. Hello to Jayne and Alice! Sorry to hear about the shoulder but hopefully you'll be able to use the time to chill out, get dry and explore a little. Missing the trek is disappointing but great that you'll get back in for project. Sure the rest of the group will have some stories to tell. Look forward to further updates x

  6. Aye Carumba, it does sound pretty hard-core. Sorry to hear about Alice, glad it was no worse in the end.
    I guess we always knew 'Nam '11 was going to be an adventure and it's certainly not disappointing. Sounds like you're all working together well as a group and keeping spirits high (well, as high as possible given the weather, mud and extra mileage!)
    Remember to think about the highs - you're doing an amazing thing that you'll never forget and it's clear reading the messages here that everyone else is as proud of you all as we are.
    Keep up the good work - we'll continue to lurk on the blog and check Yellowbrick and be in touch soon.
    Much love
    Phil, Sal, Ben and Blaze x
    (Jack's Dad)

  7. Sending lots of love and cyber hugs to you all, sounds hard going and certainly very challenging, I expect there's been lots of people having to dig deep into their reserves just to keep going. Happy to hear that Alice's injury wasn't as initially thought, and sorry to hear that Harry had an allergic reaction to the mozzy spray (hadn't even crossed my mind that would happen!), thinking of all you all every day. Huge respect to you all. The Carter clan xxxxxxxxxxxx

  8. AnonymousJuly 17, 2011

    Sounds like you have all had a tough few days and have already gone through some hair raising experiences. Weeksey we hope your thigh is getting better and you have been able to discard your crutchless shorts!!!! Thank goodness Alice's accident wasn't as serious as first thought and she will be able to join you all later.
    We hope the weather improves for you and gives you time to dry out ready for the next stage of the journey.
    Hoping things go to plan from now on and you all have a fantastic time.
    Sending you all lots of support. Take Care.
    Mummy & Daddy Weeksey xxxx

  9. What a challenging start to your trek. Sorry to hear about Alice, hope the shoulder is healing well.
    You are all doing fantastically and it sounds as though there is a lot of good team work going on.
    We are keeping tabs on you with the tracker which is brilliant.
    Much love and a big hug for Hannah.
    Karen (an immensely proud mum!) xxx

  10. CharlotteJuly 17, 2011

    Heya Hannah,
    sounds like you have all walked really far!! Hope your having a FAB time out there !! ;)
    Love Charlottie xxx

  11. AnonymousJuly 27, 2011

    Hey all,
    Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha, Cam that is awesome tekkers! Keep it up im sure it's helping the group's moral!

    Much love,
    Warrick et al. xx
